Fair Diddley Craft Show
The Mental Health Resource League invites everyone to join us at our 2018 Fair and Fall Diddley® craft shows! For more detailed information on each of these shows, please use the links at the bottom of this page. 2018 marks our Golden Anniversary for our Fair Diddley® Craft show! Don't miss this historic event! There are lots of surprises and fun scheduled for this celebration! Put Sunday, May 20th, 2018 on your calendar now!
MHRL has a reputation for featuring hand-crafted, quality, original work at both the Fair Diddley® and Fall Diddley® shows. We are able to achieve this by requiring each of our vendors to be placed at one or both of the events through a juried application process. Through this process, we have been able to provide you with an outstanding display of folk art, wood carving, dried florals, pottery, painted and appliqued clothing, jewelry, fine art and much more.
All proceeds from both shows benefit McHenry County agencies concerned with mental health services. With the proceeds from our two 2017 shows, MHRL will distribute over $209,000.00 at our Annual Meeting in January, 2018. These proceeds will be allocated to 18 non-profit agencies in McHenry County that further the mental health industry by providing much needed mental health related services.
The Mental Health Resource League has HUGE plans to help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary Fair Diddley®! Come help us celebrate our Golden Anniversary on May 20th, 2018. There will be plenty of surprises in store as we celebrate this milestone. Please check our Facebook page often for ongoing celebration details for our 50th anniversary Fair Diddley® Craft Show.
Limited parking is available around the Woodstock Square (marked by the "P" areas on the map). Plus, shuttle buses will be available to take patrons to and from the Woodstock Square. Shuttle buses will pick-up from the west end of the Government Center parking lot and drop-off at the corner of Calhoun and Johnson Streets, just outside the Woodstock Square. Shuttles will run from 10:00AM until 4:30PM every 10 minutes. There is no fee for the shuttle service. Please note: Fair Diddley® takes place RAIN or SHINE - so please dress appropriately.